Moving boxes are an integral part of the whole moving operation. Without them, just think how hard it would be to transport all your stuff from one place to the next! Most of us don’t have a handy stack of good quality boxes just sitting in the garage, though, so what’s the best way to acquire them? Should you buy them new? Repurpose any you already have? Or scour online ads looking for freebies? Here are six reasons from the professionals at Dixie Moving & Storage to convince you that buying or renting new moving boxes is the way to go.
1) New Moving Boxes Are Cleaner
Imagine opening that old box you’ve been saving, only to see it’s now home to a family of bugs. Or you unpack some blankets to find a mystery substance has got all over them. Reusing old boxes means having to carefully check them for dirt, things that could stain your items and, yes, animal activity. Renting or buying new moving boxes eliminates the need to carefully check each container so you can just get on with the packing.
2) New Moving Boxes Are Stronger
Brand new boxes are strong and durable, compared with reused cardboard boxes that may have gotten ripped and soft. If you forget to check the tape on the bottom of a reused box, it may give out, dropping the contents everywhere. Once headed for the moving truck, new boxes will stack neatly whereas old reused boxes will not fit so well and may get crushed, damaging the things inside.
3) New Moving Boxes Are Made For the Job
Sure, you may have a few boxes lying around that are good to put things in or you may even still have the original packaging for a tv or printer. That’s great, but what about everything else? Using large boxes may seem like a smart idea but if they get too heavy, they’re difficult to move and might break. And what about transporting things like crockery and clothes? Using new boxes can save this hassle as you can usually buy or rent them as a house moving set, giving you exactly the right sizes and shapes you need. If you’re in Southern Utah, you can contact Dixie Moving & Storage for more information about moving boxes and materials.
4) New Boxes Make Life Easier
A fresh new batch of plain boxes keeps your move much more organized. They’re easier to label, easier to carry and easier to stack. No more opening and closing boxes that have been scribbled over a hundred times, start from scratch and make unpacking a breeze!
5) Buying New Boxes Saves Time and Effort
Don’t waste valuable packing time searching for secondhand boxes, just order some new ones from a store or directly from a moving company. They can be dropped off in advance of your move, ready to be filled.
6) New Boxes Don’t Have to be Expensive
While it will cost some money to purchase a whole set of new moving supplies, you can shop smart to save some cash. You can easily compare prices from different companies online and should get a total that is a fraction of the total cost of moving. If you can’t afford to splurge on boxes, your moving company might rent them out to you, meaning you can give them back after your move is complete.
Make your next move go as smoothly as possible and invest in some new moving boxes. If you’re in Southern Utah, the pros at Dixie Moving & Storage can provide a full packing service too. Contact us for a free quote today and happy moving!